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Python for Beginners: Learn Python from Scratch (Pitone 3)

Python for Beginners: Learn Python from Scratch (Pitone 3)

Prezzo: $79.99

In early 2016, Python passed Java as the #1 beginners language in the world. Come mai? It’s because it’s simple enough for beginners yet advanced enough for the pros.

SpaceX uses it to launch Rockets

Pixar uses Python to run its animation software

Instagram & Pinterest use it to run their web application (backend via Django).

As the world is advancing, the computational power of computers is increasing day by day. Not many people care too much about memory utilization when they are writing small scale applications. This is one of the reasons why Python is getting popular and why learning it is a huge deal. Adesso, you can write profitable applications with ease and simplicity.

Learn Python, a programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science and web development.

It is relatively easy to learn when compared to pretty much any other programming language since most of the time, using Python to do something will take fewer lines of code than with another programming language.

Python allows you to work in web development, scienza dei dati, intelligenza artificiale, sviluppo di app. These are just major fields that I listed. Oltre a questo, if you are a hobbyist, you can have lots of fun with Python. If you want to earn and have a professional career, Python is still a good choice. Python developers earn a good amount of money. You are in a great position if you start learning Python.

Python can be used for a lot of applications in the real world. It can be used in:

1. Web Development

2. Scienza dei dati (Analisi, Parsing, Big Data etc)

3. GUI Application Development

4. Robotics and automation

5. Apprendimento automatico & Intelligenza artificiale

6. BlockChain Development

Any many more.

Come learn with me and I’ll show you how you can bend the easiest and in-demand programming language “Pitone” to your will. This course is great for beginners in Python at any age and any level of computer literacy.

The goal is simple: learn Python from scratch by performing Exercises and Projects in each Chapter we discuss.

A chi è rivolto questo corso:

  • People interested in programming who have no prior programming experience

  • Newer Python programmers who need a refresher on Python

  • Students taking a Python class in school who want a supplementary learning resource

  • Programming hobbyists

  • Anyone else who is interested in learning Python

  • This course is NOT for experienced Python programmers

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