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Maestria nella lettura veloce: Raddoppia la tua velocità di lettura in 7 giorni

Maestria nella lettura veloce: Raddoppia la tua velocità di lettura in 7 giorni

Prezzo: $19.99

Introducing the Speed Reading Mastery Course

Immagina se potessi imparare quella lingua che hai sempre desiderato parlare, padroneggiare uno strumento, o semplicemente leggi i libri non letti sulla tua libreria. The Speed Reading Mastery online course will help you save valuable time and stay ahead as you read faster with greater focus, comprensione, e ritenzione.

Most people don’t realise you can improve your reading speed. Many of us believe we are either a good or a bad reader. The truth is there is no such thing as a bad reader- just an untrained reader. Many people, feel they are a bad reader because in school you’re taught WHAT to learn but not HOW to learnthere was never a class called speed reading.

The online course use easy-to-follow, jump in anytime video lectures with tests and exercises to make it as easy as possible. La nostra formazione è provata, testato, e garantito per funzionare. Accanto alla nostra formazione, il nostro co-fondatore Jordan Harry sarà con te in ogni fase del tuo viaggio per rispondere alle domande, push your development, and support you to make the most of this incredible point in history.

Impara con Jordan Harry

Jordan Harry è un allenatore di memoria e lettura veloce, e il co-fondatore di StudyFast.

Hayes spunta lo spettro del cancro al seno 5 anni, ha lavorato insieme al co-fondatore Oyinkro per portare la missione di StudyFast di rendere l'allenamento della lettura e della memoria accessibile a tutti.

In quel periodo ha creato corsi online, workshops and speaking at high profile events to share his knowledge of how easy it is to transform the way you learn in bite-sized insights.

Il discorso di Jordan al TEDx, which has been viewed by 2 un milione di persone, ha cambiato le nostre vite e con l'aiuto del team StudyFast, ora abbiamo ripetuto l'insegnamento 30,000 persone da 147 paesi le tecniche di lettura veloce e di memoria.

Il lavoro di Jordan è stato presentato: BBC, TED, Virgin StartUp, Santander and Metro.

I nostri corsi online sono pensati per studenti che durano tutta la vita

Questo corso è rivolto a chiunque desideri migliorare il modo in cui apprende nella vita di tutti i giorni. Dai professionisti di alto livello e imprenditori esperti agli studenti universitari e universitari. I suggerimenti e le tecniche all'interno del corso sono adatti a tutti e applicabili a tutte le discipline. Puoi seguire il corso in un giorno o distribuirlo in un mese. Non sarà facile – ma se metti il ​​lavoro, hai la garanzia di avere successo.

This is what you get in the Speed Reading Mastery Course:

How to double your reading speed instantly!
Advanced time-saving skimming/scanning methods
How to speed read fiction and non-fiction
Effective Note-Taking for Greater Retention!
Better Methods for Online Reading!
Reading and comprehension tests
Online applications
– BONUS: Speed Reading With Dyslexia
– BONUS: E-book “The Quick Guide to Speed Reading”

Bonus content:

  • Al di sopra di 1 ora di contenuti video

  • Certified certificate

  • Access to online applications

  • Lifetime access to updates

  • 1-Year money-back guarantee

What our learners say:

Kelly-Ann- Marketing Executive

I did the course over a period of 7 days and my wpm almost doubled and I had a 10% increase in my comprehension. I went from 340 words per minute to 616 words per minute which demonstrates that the techniques genuinely work.

DanielleUniversity Lecturer

Speed reading is intimidating but this course has made it feel possible to genuinely improve my reading speed. I learned some valuable lessons and takeaways and looking forward to applying them.

SaraUndergraduate Student

Everything is justified so concisely and with the science to corroborate it. It also feels more like a personal course than it does someone just talking at you. It was also just a friendly and calm course; it was almost refreshing to turn to the next section.

I also loved the extra bit of guidance at the end for people with dyslexia. I don’t personally have it but it was nice that those with possible reading difficulties were addressed as well.

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You are fully protected for 30-day by our 100% Ho tenuto questo corso di persona a un numero infinito di persone. If you don’t double your reading spend and maintain a 65% comprehension level just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund- Nessuna domanda chiesta.

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