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Certificazione di Coach Spirituale (Accreditato)

Certificazione di Coach Spirituale (Accreditato)

Prezzo: $129.99

Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. Questo corso è anche accreditato dall'agenzia per gli standard di sviluppo professionale continuo riconosciuta a livello internazionale (N. fornitore: 50134), e 10 I crediti CPD/CEU sono disponibili su richiesta.


We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. I nostri corsi sono stati seguiti da oltre 300,000+ studenti felici da 195 paesi.

Abbiamo una fiorente comunità nel corso e siamo attivamente coinvolti e rispondiamo alle domande entro 24 ore.

The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group.


Elevate your coaching to the next level of meaning and impact as a Certified Spiritual Coach.

· Are you a purpose-driven life coach (or want to be)?

· Do you want to help your life coaching clients create a life of fulfillment and connection?

· Do you want to create a thriving spiritually-based life coaching business?

Join this Spiritual Coach Certification course and become a spiritual coach. Learn how to tap into levels of the self that elevate your life coaching to levels of connection that go beyond the norm, with the use of your intuitive awareness and applying spiritual rituals for success.

Whether your clients are working toward goals in their carriera, loro relazioni, or their personal or spiritual crescita, you will learn how to bring a higher level of spiritualità, alignment, and balance to their lives, connect to the clarity into what is needed to lead clients more productively into success, while experiencing deeper levels of connection and meaning in your coaching sessions.

By awakening your own spirituality and mastery through the exercises in this course, you will develop a congruent way to lead your clients to their own alignment, spiritualità, success and mastery.

This unique spiritual coach training program eloquently incorporates practical life coaching strategies while integrating spirituality, the soul, spirit, and energy that goes beyond the physical. It empowers people to awaken their unique spiritual soul gifts and engages the deeper driving forces of living on purpose. This course will guide you into creating and starting your career as a Spiritual Coach, or it can guide you into accelerating your current business.

In questo corso imparerai:

· How to use spirituality to transform your own life and the lives of your clients

· The elemental aspects of the self that need to be brought to balance to succeed in life and as a life coach

· How to discover and identify your gifts e a lead on purpose and with clarity

· How to name, craft, Formazione tecno funzionale Oracle Apps R12, price and design your Signature Spiritual Coaching Program

· How to organize essential logistics for your spiritual coaching business, success and freedom.

Emily is highly sought after spiritual coach and her clients pay as much as $30,000 for a one week one-on-one retreat with her. Others pay $12,000 for her one-on-one coaching packages. Così, why would anyone pay this much for her coaching? Because she gets results for her clients and she has helped many clients create 6 e 7 figure businesses. And why is this relevant to you? Because in this course she teaches how SHE incorporates spirituality and connects to guidance and aligns herself and her business in a way that creates abundance and guides clients to real, transformative results and a life of greater self-alignment.


· Incorporate spirituality to transform your own life while at the same time learn practical steps and knowledge to become a powerful and successful Spiritual coach.

· Use a spiritual and psychological process for developing elemental aspects of the self to bring yourself into balance, in order to be a congruent spiritual coach, and use this process to lead clients into lasting transformations.

· Discover and identify your personal spiritual gifts to lead on purpose and with clarity.

· Name, craft, Formazione tecno funzionale Oracle Apps R12, and design your Signature Spiritual Coaching Program.

· Organize essential logistics for business, success and freedom in your spiritual coaching practice.

· Incorporate spirituality to connect with clients beyond the logic, by tapping into intuitive awareness.

· Set a price point that creates and sustains a lucrative, freedom-based career.


  • Regardless if you are starting or adding to your current coaching business, this is for you if you value spirituality in your life and are ready to step into a meaningful and profound career that leads others into alignment, successo, and freedom, while creating your financial freedom.

  • You are spiritually connected and intuitive or have a heightened awareness and are ready to use this to help others.

  • You are driven by purpose

  • You are ready to create a lucrative, freedom-based career that leaves a positive imprint on people’s lives as a spiritual coach.

  • You want to incorporate spirituality to help people connect to their own purpose, anima, and alignment and guide them into creating a life of fulfillment and connection.

Al completamento, you will earn an official Spiritual Coach Certification from Transformation Academy.

Who are we:

This course is brought to you by Transformation Academy and instructors Joeel & Natalie, who are life coach trainers with over 300,000+ studenti da 195 paesi. They are excited to have collaborated with instructor Emily Rivera, aka “The Angel Coach”, to bring you this Spiritual Coach Certification.

Emily Rivera is a national speaker, allenatore, coach and intuitive practitioner who has guided countless individuals and groups across the United States on a journey towards self-discovery. Through Emily’s seminars and individual sessions, participants learn to identify and understand guidance and unlock the power of their personal intuition to better create the life of their dreams. From showing clients how to tune into their spirituality, innate intuition, sharing techniques for attracting and fostering healthy relationships and encouraging the release of mental barriers. Through her spiritual coaching practice Emily addresses the Mind-Body-Spirit paradigm with a focus on strengthening the power one has to live a life full of abundance and joy. Emily Rivera is also a certified Angel Healing Practitioner and author on Angels Guidance who has dedicated her life to the service of sharing the messages, guidance, tools and love of Spirit.

We look forward to seen you in Spiritual Coach Certification and helping your transform lives.

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