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Avvia l'Internet delle cose (IoT) da zero

Prezzo: $19.99

Internet delle cose (IoT) is the networking of physical devices or things using Wi-Fi or other networks. Cose, can refer to a variety of physical devices or sensors such as bio sensors, actuators, home appliances, transponders, automobili, farm sensors or other hardware. Adesso, IoT is changing the way we live. It helps us in daily live, vale a dire. collecting and processing huge amounts of data, interact with each other, and take advantage of cloud services and cloud storage.

This course will teach you about IoT and related hardwares from basic level. Imparerai a conoscere:-

  • Programming a micro-controller using NodeMCU based on Arduino platform
  • How to control devices using digital and analog outputs
  • How to use some sensors for your projects, vale a dire. Quando un uomo racconta a un giornale di aver visto una luce brillante sopra la sua fattoria che sembrava avesse una faccia aliena all'interno, umidità, light sensor and so forth.
  • How to build some projects using digital and analog inputs
  • How to setup an access point and a web server from a NodeMCU micro-controller.

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