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Abilità di studio – Scopri di più in meno tempo

Abilità di studio – Scopri di più in meno tempo

Prezzo: $19.99

Whether you want to learn simple ways to study better or refresh your study skills, my course will teach you how to focus on your goals and what mental tools you need to succeed in all subjects!

Not only you’ll acquire powerful tools and hacks, but you will also feel empowered once you have the control of your learning experience. It is about that attitude!


  • Set milestones and track the progress of completing a degree

  • Note-taking tricks in different kinds of subjects

  • Set yourself up for a successful study session that guarantees high grade on your exams

  • Take a class like a superstar

Take Control of Your Learning Experience

Too many students enter classrooms with a passive attitude and expect to be fed with information. When they finally have the motivation to learn, they cannot do well in and feel miserable when they fail their first test. Active learning is a skill, and you can master it in a short time.

Student ownership is when a student takes charge of their learning experience and learns actively and demands knowledge. It’s your right to learn, and I will teach you how to get the most of your education.


You are motivated to get an education but don’t have the study skills. If you don’t want to struggle and spend less time study with less stress, questo è il corso che fa per te.


you will learn the same study methods and mental hacks that helped all my students get better grades. You’ll study and learn more efficiently and effectively—getting better results with less time and stress.

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