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I primi cinque comportamenti di leadership

I primi cinque comportamenti di leadership

Prezzo: $94.99

Every Leader Needs To Gain Their Team’s Trust And You Can Do So Using These Top 5 Leadership Behaviors

Being a skilled leader is just one of the abilities great people managers must develop in order to be effective and successful in their work. tuttavia, it is one of the most critical abilities.

We actually begin all our management training workshops with Leadership for this very reason. Our goal is to set the stage for you to understand Leadership Behaviors so that you can really work that muscle!

In this easy-to-digest course we walk you through several real-life examples of successes and failures that will help you shape your leadership skills and develop these critical behaviors. It is packed with in-depth exercises to dive deep into each behavior.

These exercises are to be applied to your own situation at your companythey are NOT theoretical.

You will have opportunities throughout the course to Workshop sulla mappatura delle storie degli utenti the behaviors and skills you will learn in an actionable way.

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