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Anglia Ruskin University International Merit Scholarships 2024

Anglia Ruskin University in the UK is delighted to announce the International Merit Scholarships for the academic year 2024. These scholarships are designed to support and celebrate exceptional international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements and the potential to make a significant impact in their chosen fields.

Degree Level and Duration

The Anglia Ruskin University International Merit Scholarships 2024 are available for Bachelor, Masters, and PhD level programs. The scholarship duration for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses is one year, while for research programs, the scholarship is awarded each year that full tuition fees are paid, up to a maximum of three years.

Available Subjects

The International Merit Scholarships are available for a wide range of subjects taught at Anglia Ruskin University, allowing students to explore their academic interests and passions while benefiting from financial support.


Anglia Ruskin University is committed to recognizing and rewarding academic excellence. The International Merit Scholarship is automatically awarded to high-achieving international students who meet the eligibility criteria. The scholarship amounts vary based on the level of study and academic achievements:

  • collegegeld op basis van de door de student aan te tonen financiële behoeften: Achieve strong results in high school (minimum 120 UCAS points or equivalent) and receive £2,000 towards your tuition; achieve good results in high school (minimum 96 UCAS points or equivalent) and receive £1,000 towards your tuition.
  • deze beurs biedt:: Hold a 1st class or 2:1 undergraduate degree (of gelijkwaardig) and receive £2,000 towards your tuition; hold a 2:2 undergraduate degree (of gelijkwaardig) and receive £1,000 towards your tuition.
  • Research Students: Achieve a Distinction in your Master’s degree (of gelijkwaardig) and receive £2,000 towards your tuition fees for your research program; achieve a Merit in your Master’s degree (of gelijkwaardig) and receive £1,000 towards your tuition fees for your research program.

This scholarship acts as a discount on your tuition fees, with the awarded amount directly deducted from your total fees.

Eligible Nationalities

The Anglia Ruskin University International Merit Scholarships 2024 are open to international students of all nationalities, fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community.


To be eligible for the International Merit Scholarship, jij moet:

  • Wees een internationale student (international tuition fee payer)
  • Start a full-time degree course at the Cambridge, Chelmsford, or Peterborough campuses
  • Study a bachelor degree, a taught Masters, or a research program
  • Study full-time, unless there are exceptional circumstances preventing full-time study
  • Meet the academic requirements for your chosen course

Degree apprenticeships, foundation degrees, distance learning or work-based degrees, Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, students applying to ARU College, and students joining a Masters with credit are excluded from this scholarship.

Application Procedure

When you apply to Anglia Ruskin University as an international student, there are several steps you will need to follow. There is no need to apply separately for the International Merit Scholarship; you will automatically receive it if you meet the eligibility criteria. The steps include:

  1. Choose your course: Explore the wide range of subjects available at Anglia Ruskin University and select the one that best suits your academic interests and career goals.
  2. Submit your application form: Complete the application form accurately and provide all the necessary documents to support your application.
  3. Check your email regularly: Stay up-to-date with any communication from Anglia Ruskin University regarding your application status.
  4. Receive a decision on your application: Once your application has been reviewed, you will be notified of the decision.
  5. Start your visa application: If your application is successful, you can begin the process of applying for a student visa to study in the UK.

By following these steps and meeting the eligibility criteria, you can take advantage of the Anglia Ruskin University International Merit Scholarships 2024 and embark on a rewarding academic journey in the UK.

Wat betreft Helen Bassey

Studeer onderweg en krijg toegang tot alle bronnen vanaf je mobiel, I'm Helena, een blogschrijver die een passie heeft voor het plaatsen van inzichtelijke inhoud in de onderwijsniche. Ik geloof dat onderwijs de sleutel is tot persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling, en ik wil mijn kennis en ervaring delen met leerlingen van alle leeftijden en achtergronden. Op mijn blog, vindt u artikelen over onderwerpen als leerstrategieën, online onderwijs, loopbaan begeleiding, en meer. Ik verwelkom ook feedback en suggesties van mijn lezers, dus laat gerust een reactie achter of neem op elk gewenst moment contact met mij op. Ik hoop dat je mijn blog met plezier leest en het nuttig en inspirerend vindt.

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