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Azure Deep Dive: Complete Cost Management Course

Azure Deep Dive: Complete Cost Management Course

Prijs: $39.99


With cloud computing, it’s very easy to create resources and grow your services. It only takes a click of a few buttons to add more virtual machines to your environment. But these virtual machines and other resources cost money. Sometimes thousands of dollars per month. At the end of the month, you see the big bill. But do you really understand where the money went?

In deze cursus, we will look at the following topics:

  • Estimate costs before you create the services

  • Monitor costs with budgets, alerts and cost analysis

  • Review the charges on your invoice

  • Extract billing and cost data using the consumption API

  • Utilize Enterprise Agreement (EA) middelen

  • Proactively configuring your account to avoid surprises

  • Tips for reducing costs

The course is a mix of conceptual topics (how Azure charges for service), and live demonstrations of looking into the cost management section of Azure.

Je hoeft niet meer door een leven vol angst te gaan?

  • You have a solution you wish to migrate to Azure, and you’d like to get a detailed estimate of costs

  • You are looking to reduce the cost of your cloud spend

  • You don’t understand where the money is being spent, and would like to know

  • You have an external service that you’d like to integrate with for cost analysis

So sign up today to learn more about Azure Cost Management + Billing.


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