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Cloudexpert worden – Microsoft Azure IaaS – Coderingsproject 2

Cloudexpert worden – Microsoft Azure IaaS – Coderingsproject 2

Prijs: $89.99

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud providers (together with Amazon AWS and Google Cloud) with a global cloud infrastructure for providing public cloud services around the world. Cloud computing is one of the biggest and fastest technology revolutions in the IT industry and the global demand for more skilled people in the area of cloud computing is also growing rapidly across multiple industries.

Cloudexpert worden

If you are looking to become a cloud expert, then this training program is designed to help you build the knowledge and experience about the subject of cloud computing while using the Azure cloud platform. The training program is divided into levels.

Coderingsproject 2 – is all about Monitoring

In level 1, we learned to build an end-to-end cloud solution inside the Microsoft Azure platform. Now it is time to learn how to monitor our IaaS solution effectively. In level 2, we are planning to learn how to monitor and analyze the performance and health of our Azure resources and applications as well as Azure platform and services. One thing for sure, it is going to be an exciting journey!

Join us and start to pave your way as a Cloud Expert!


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