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Brock University Scholarships Fall 2024 in Canada

Brock University in Canada is delighted to announce the availability of scholarships for the Fall 2024 semester, specifically designed for international undergraduate students. These scholarships cover various fields of study and provide partial funding, reflecting Brock University’s commitment to supporting student’s academic endeavours and ensuring a conducive learning environment. The deadline to apply for these scholarships is May 31, 2024, aanbieden 64 more days for eligible candidates to submit their applications. The available scholarships include the Niagara Principals Scholarships, Goodman Scholarships, and Chancellor’s First Nation Award Scholarship, onder andere. Toepassen, students need to visit the OneApp portal and submit their applications before the respective deadlines.

Diplomaniveau en beschikbare onderwerpen

Brock University Scholarships Fall 2024 in Canada are available for undergraduate programs in various fields of study. Students can explore their academic interests and passions while benefiting from partial financial support.


Brock University is proud to offer a range of scholarship opportunities aimed at supporting the academic journey and future aspirations of deserving students. These scholarships, designed to alleviate financial burdens, empower students to focus on their education and enriching experiences at Brock University.

Niagara Principals Scholarships

  • Voor: Graduates from high schools in the Niagara Region.
  • Prijs: $2,500.
  • Deadline: april 1, 2024.
  • Voeg hier toe: Niagara Principals Scholarship Application

Goodman Scholarships

  • Voor: Prospective students of the Goodman School of Business.
  • Prijs: Tot $8,000, renewable.
  • Deadline: april 15, 2024.
  • Apply on: OneApp

Chancellor’s First Nation Award Scholarship

  • Voor: First Nations graduates from high school.
  • Inclusief: Full coverage of tuition, residence, meal plan, and textbooks for up to four years.
  • Deadline: juni- 14, 2024.
  • Voeg hier toe: Chancellor’s First Nations Award Application

These scholarships reflect Brock University’s commitment to providing holistic support to students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their academic pursuits. By offering not only monetary assistance but also covering various essential expenses, these scholarships aim to create an environment where students can fully immerse themselves in their educational journey.

About Brock University

Brock University is a comprehensive university located in the Niagara region of Ontario, Canada. Known for its commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and student-centred learning, Brock offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines. With a vibrant campus community and state-of-the-art facilities, Brock University provides an enriching environment for students to pursue their academic and personal aspirations.

Eligible Nationalities

These scholarships are open to international students of all nationalities, fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community at Brock University.


Eligibility criteria vary with each scholarship. Students are encouraged to visit the official link for more information and to ensure they meet the specific requirements for each scholarship.

Application Procedure

OneApp is your key to unlocking a world of scholarships at Brock University. This user-friendly platform streamlines the application process, letting you apply for numerous scholarships with just one application.Before applying, ensure you have been accepted to Brock University. Here are the deadlines to remember:

  • Fresh Applicants: Apply for scholarships by June 14th, 2024, to secure your spot.
  • Returning Students & New Entrants: Submit your application by May 31st, 2024.
  • Graduating Scholars: The deadline for you is April 30th, 2024.

Toepassen, visit Brock University’s OneApp portal, complete the application, and showcase your academic achievements, financiële situatie, and involvement in extracurricular activities. This is your chance to shine! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive financial support for your education at Brock University. Apply now and take the first step towards an enriching academic journey in Canada.

Wat betreft Helen Bassey

Studeer onderweg en krijg toegang tot alle bronnen vanaf je mobiel, I'm Helena, een blogschrijver die een passie heeft voor het plaatsen van inzichtelijke inhoud in de onderwijsniche. Ik geloof dat onderwijs de sleutel is tot persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling, en ik wil mijn kennis en ervaring delen met leerlingen van alle leeftijden en achtergronden. Op mijn blog, vindt u artikelen over onderwerpen als leerstrategieën, online onderwijs, loopbaan begeleiding, en meer. Ik verwelkom ook feedback en suggesties van mijn lezers, dus laat gerust een reactie achter of neem op elk gewenst moment contact met mij op. Ik hoop dat je mijn blog met plezier leest en het nuttig en inspirerend vindt.

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