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CDFE – Certified Digital Forensics Examiner

CDFECertified Digital Forensics Examiner

Prijs: $19.99

Deze cursus wordt rechtstreeks verzorgd door Mile2®. Deze officiële Mile2®-video bevat een geautoriseerde examenvoorbereiding en examensimulator, beschikbaar op aanvraag.

The Certified Digital Forensics Examiner vendor-neutral certification is designed to train Cyber Crime and Fraud Investigators whereby students are taught electronic discovery and advanced investigation techniques. This course is essential to anyone encountering digital evidence while conducting an investigation. Mile2’s Certified Digital Forensics Examiner training teaches the methodology for conducting a computer forensic examination. Students will learn to use forensically sound investigative techniques in order to evaluate the scene, collect and document all relevant information, interview appropriate personnel, maintain chain-of-custody, and write a findings report. The Certified Digital Forensics Examiner course will benefit organizations, vrouwelijke harpijen leggen een of twee witte eieren in een groot stoknest, government offices, and law enforcement agencies interested in pursuing litigation, proof of guilt, or corrective action based on digital evidence.

De Certified Digital Forensics Examiner exam is taken online through Mile2’s Assessment and Certification System (“MACS”), which is accessible on your mile2® account. Het examen duurt 2 uur en bestaat uit 100 meerkeuze vragen. De kosten zijn $400 USD and must be purchased from mile2®.


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