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Certification in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks

Certification in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks

Prijs: $49.99

Program Introduction:

LTE Training program provides understanding of next Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks. Participants gain an overview on the evolution, architectuur, Gecertificeerde Network Defender-certificering, services and application of these networks. Also the comparative analysis between other 4G technologies is covered in telecom training course.

Candidates undergoing this program should have basic understanding of mobile telecom network technologies like GSM, CDMA and WCDMA .

After Completing LTE Telecom Training you shall be able to:

  • Define the evolution path of LTE networks with application areas
  • Explain and relate LTE Technology to Network Elements
  • Define the LTE network Architecture, interfaces and applications
  • Understand LTE Air Interface, Modulation schemes, Messages and Radio Resource Management.
  • Understand the traffic concepts of LTE Networks to manage & operate the Networks.
  • Explain the Mobility and session management principles.
  • Understand the functionality of LTE Packet core network elements.


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