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Gecertificeerd IT-auditor CISA (Deel 1 van 2)

Gecertificeerd IT-auditor CISA (Deel 1 van 2)

Prijs: $124.99

The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) course covers all the six domains of the CISA exam offered by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). CISA exam has become the industry standard for the IT auditing, control and security. The course helps the students to gain relevant, up-to-date and concise knowledge along with hands-on practice exams to prepare for the CISA certification exam.

CISA is one of the most popular and high-demand IT certifications available in the market, ongeveer, meer dan 60,000 professionals hold CISA certification. The CISA certification is also consistently named one of the best professional certifications to have by the leading analysts around the world. The course offers the students to gain comprehensive knowledge and concepts that are required to pass the CISA certification exam.


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