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Maak een Windows Modbus Master-programma met Microsoft .NET

Maak een Windows Modbus Master-programma met Microsoft .NET

Prijs: $19.99

If you design and implement projects in the area of Process Automation or SCADA, you will know from your experience thatone size does not fit allwhen it comes to data acquisition and Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). There is always some type of customization to be done. Always some feature that the standard HMI software does not offer.

And sometimes, using a very expensive HMI with all sorts of bells and whistles for a small project can just be overkill. There are times when you just need a very simple application that acquires a few data points from a Modbus network and displays them on a computer screen.

These are the reasons for this course!

I teach you how to use FREE TOOLS with some basic programming to create your own Modbus Master application and Human Machine Interface.

If you apply yourself in this course and execute all that I ask you to do, then at the end, you would have a finished Windows Modbus Application that you can customize to your heart’s content!

This is the start of your journey into a whole new area of Process Automation / SCADA and one that is increasingly in very high demand!

Ik kijk er naar uit je van binnen te zien!


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