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DA-100 Gegevens analyseren met Microsoft Power BI- Real Tests

DA-100 Gegevens analyseren met Microsoft Power BI- Real Tests

Prijs: $19.99

Data is the new oil !!! and Data Analysts enable businesses to maximize the value of business’s data assets by using Microsoft Power BI. Data Analysts find patterns, trends and insights from data that helps business make better and faster decisions. They are responsible for designing and building scalable data models, gegevens opschonen en transformeren, Proefexamen DA-100. Proefexamen DA-100.

Today because you made the decision to improve your data skills and gain knowledge in a crazy competitive workforce. Our full explanations not only help you pass the test, but take your analytics and Power BI skills to the new level.

Preparing for the DA-100 exam opens your eyes to concepts much greater than the Power BI platform—like star-schema data modeling, data cleansing, row-level security, prestatieafstemming, and advanced analytics. Power BI is different because the platform spans the full spectrum of business intelligence, not just data visualization.

The content of this exam covers the following.

  • Prepare the data (20-25%)

  • Model the data (25-30%)

  • Visualize the data (20-25%)

  • Analyze the data (10-15%)

  • Deploy and maintain deliverables (10-15%)

  1. Microsoft MTA Security Fundamentals oefenexamen: MICROSOFT POWER BY DA-100-EXAMEN

  2. Examenduur 3 uur

  3. Examentype Multiple Choice Examination / Casestudies

  4. Aantal vragen 40 – 60 vragen

  5. Exam Fee $165 (Depends on Country)

  6. Eligibility/Pre-requisite Geen

  7. Exam validity Levenslang

  8. Exam Languages Engels, Japans, Koreaans, and Simplified Chinese

And if you really want to be expert on power bi check out our courses. We have very comprehensive courses on this topic with 95% hands on labs and exercises.

We also provide you eBooks and supplementary guide topic by topic. So you can downlead eBooks which not only help you pass the test but also help you in real job, when you are placed as Business analyst, Data analyst or Power bi architect/developer. It is very handy. Every topic comes in exam is covered in detail in this and You can quickly search the topic and get right to the point.

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