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Digital electronics made simple – Learn Binary arithmetic

Digital electronics made simpleLearn Binary arithmetic

Prijs: $19.99

Digital electronics deals with circuits that use a combination of 0’s and 1’s to function. All the Integrated Circuits, digital watches and even the computer which you use come under digital electronics. Zo, to understand the functioning of all these circuits, you will need to learn digital electronics, the basics of which are included in this course.

In deze cursus, you will be learning

  • binair, decimal and hexadecimal number systems
  • Number system conversions
  • Converting a binary number to a code system
  • Binary arithmetic
  • 1’s complement and 2’s complement subtraction

Expected time to complete this course- 45 minutes only

Do enroll for this course if you are planning to go into programming, information technology or engineering as it will help you learn the different concepts in an easy and fun way


  • You will be getting a certificate of completion after completing the course
  • You will be getting a free eBook of this course


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