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Getting Results by Building Relationships

Getting Results by Building Relationships

Prijs: $94.99

Have you ever been frustrated by your work relationships? Do you find it hard to integrate in a new job? Do you need to build or maintain a professional credibility? Do you want to be part of a professional family?

Here you will find an answer. Getting Results by Building Relationships is a very focused and extremely practical Cursus, for the use of business and industry professionals.

In deze cursus, you’ll learn how to build good relationships and achieve results door:

  1. laying a strong and effective collaborative foundation
  2. building professional credibility, en
  3. developing ethical reciprocity patterns.

You are going to leren how to make a good first impression, build an effective and lucrative rapport with your co-workers, win confidence and and deal with conflicts to get results.

The video lectures and documents that form the course include praktische voorbeelden and tolls for getting results by building relationships.

In not more than 2 uren studie you will master 9 waarmee u klanten kunt helpen zichzelf beter te begrijpen that will boost your career and, and maybe more important, make your life easier.

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