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GIMP Computer Graphics voor kinderen en beginners van elke leeftijd

GIMP Computer Graphics voor kinderen en beginners van elke leeftijd

Prijs: $49.99

Creating computer graphics is fun! It’s also a useful skill in today’s world. This course uses GIMP, the most powerful and popular FREE graphics software. The tools and concepts covered are common to virtually all graphics programs.

GIMP has many of the same features as Photoshop, but without the price tag! GIMP runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.

The course is very hands-on. When a skill is demonstrated in the video, students are encouraged to pause the lesson and practice until they can perform the same operation.

The suggested age range is 12 and up, however younger students with good computer skills, or who have the help of someone older, may enjoy the course as well. And certainly, many adults will appreciate the gradual progression and detailed instructions, ook.

** Revised 1/2/21 to include information about new features up to GIMP 2.10.22


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