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Leer BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-Service) door Microsoft Azure

Leer BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-Service) door Microsoft Azure

Prijs: $89.99

Microsoft has recently launched BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-Service) for developers to build DApp (Decentralized Applications) snel. So now rather than setting up your own Blockchain on Azure platform you can just launch the Blockchain with a click.

This course will help you understand what is BaaS exactly, how it can help you building decentralized apps faster. We will also talk about different types of servers available in Azure for launching the Blockchain.

After this course you will fully understand what BaaS is & why Microsoft has chosen Ethereum platform to setup the Blockchain quickly.

This course is the best course for you if you don’t want to waste your time & money on other platform & are very comfortable with Azure.

Amazon is already working for launching the BaaS & will soon announce it for developers.

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