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Learn Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro (2019)

Learn Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro (2019)

Prijs: $94.99

What if you could edit your video with Adobe Premiere Pro? This course will teach students how to edit videos using Adobe Premiere Pro (2019). The course provides an overview of the video editing workspace, importing files, editing tools and exporting the final video. The course is for beginners and covers basic video editing skills and shortcuts that are useful when using Premiere Pro.

This basic course covers the following subjects for a beginner. The lessons begin with and overview and an introduction to the Adobe Premiere Pro program interface. The student will learn how to use the editing workspace. The student will learn how to to import video and audio files into the Premiere Pro project panel. The student will learn two common ways of editing videos. The student will learn how to edit video clips in the source panel as well as in the timeline or sequence panel. The student will learn how to edit video clips in the source panel first then followed by learning how to edit videos in the timeline. The student will learn keyboard shortcuts to make the editing process faster and more efficient. The student will learn how to add background music to the video and how to make simple transitions including how to fade in and fade out audio and video clips. Tenslotte, the student will learn how to export the video in a format suitable for uploading the video to YouTube.


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