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Microsoft 70-247 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud..

Microsoft 70-247 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud..

Prijs: $94.99

The new Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 course provides full coverage of the knowledge and skills required to pass the Microsoft exam 70-247

Some of the skills you will learn in this class are:

  • Design a scalable System Center architecture
  • Install the System Center Infrastructure
  • Upgrade System Center components
  • Configure System Center components
  • Configure portals and dashboards
  • Configure the storage fabric
  • Configure the network fabric
  • Configure and manage the deployment and update servers
  • Configure clouds and virtualization hosts
  • Configure private cloud integration
  • Configure integration of private and public clouds
  • Configure profiles
  • Create and configure server App-V packages
  • Configure and deploy a service
  • Update a service

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