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Microsoft 70-336: Kernoplossingen van Microsoft Lync Server…

Microsoft 70-336: Kernoplossingen van Microsoft Lync Server…

Prijs: $94.99

This course is intended for IT consultants and telecommunications consulting professionals who design, plan, inzetten, and maintain solutions for unified communications (UC). This new Lync Server course is focused giving you the skills to translate business requirements into technical architecture and design for a UC solution.

This course provides the knowledge and understanding for some of these important job functions:

Plan and design a Lync topology

  • Plan Lync site topology
  • Plan Lync Server support infrastructure
  • Plan Lync servers
  • Design a Lync Server HA/DR solution
  • Design Edge Services

Plan and design Lync features

  • Design conferencing
  • Design Lync remote and external access
  • Plan for Lync user experience
  • Plan for clients and devices
  • Plan migration from previous versions
  • Plan end-user training for Lync client features

Deploy and configure Lync

  • Configure and publish topology
  • Configure conferencing
  • Configure Lync remote and external access
  • Configure Persistent Chat
  • Deploy and configure clients and devices
  • Migrate from previous versions of Lync
  • Configure HA/DR

Manage operations and data resiliency for Lync

  • Troubleshoot the Lync environment
  • Manage the Lync environment
  • Verify Lync environment health
  • Mitigate data loss
  • Manage monitoring and archiving services


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