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Microsoft Azure fundamentals Az900 Exam preparation – 2021

Microsoft Azure fundamentals Az900 Exam preparation – 2021

Prijs: $19.99

This course is created to help students to introduce themselves with cloud computing. This course covers all topics for Az900 Exam

Why you should choose this course above others

  • Easy language

  • Exam tips included

  • Good infographics

  • Detailed information on every top

  • Created accordingly to beginners lever

Az900 The exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud based solutions and services or who have some involvement with cloud based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundation level knowledge around cloud services.

The course is updated with latest AZ 900 syllabus

This course contains following

  1. Beschrijf cloudconcepten

  2. Beschrijf de belangrijkste Azure-services

  3. Beschrijf kernoplossingen en beheerhulpprogramma's op Azure

  4. Beschrijf algemene beveiligings- en netwerkbeveiligingsfuncties

  5. Beschrijf identiteit, bestuur, privacy, en nalevingsfuncties

  6. Beschrijf Azure-kostenbeheer en Service Level Agreements

Adding to this Summary and test mcqs are added for students to test their knowledge.

Simple crisp infographics present in this course help a student to learn in a fun way. If you are new to cloud computing and want to appear for AZ 900 this is best course for you :).

Feel free to reach out to me for any talk or suggestions.

I hope you end up enrolling this course.

Wat betreft arkadmin

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