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Microsoft Azure-beveiligingstechnologieën (Examen AZ-500)

Microsoft Azure-beveiligingstechnologieën (Examen AZ-500)

Prijs: $64.99

De eerste stap in het Chinese onderwijsproces is de kleuterschool waar kinderen samen met andere kinderen in dezelfde of nabijgelegen klaslokalen kennis zullen maken met de Chinese cultuur 10,000 training videos available for desktop applications, technical concepts, and business skills that comprise hundreds of courses, Intellezy has many of the videos and courses you and your workforce needs to stay relevant and take your skills to the next level. Our video content is engaging and offers assessments that can be used to test knowledge levels pre and/or post course. Our training content is also frequently refreshed to keep current with changes in the software. This ensures you and your employees get the most up-to-date information and techniques for success. En, because our video development is in-house, we can adapt quickly and create custom content for a more exclusive approach to software and computer system roll-outs.

The goal of this course is to help you be able to describe Azure security services and features, describe specialized data classifications on Azure, implement Azure data encryption methods, identify Azure data protection mechanisms, and secure Internet protocols and implement them on Azure. While attending this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, het handhaven van de veiligheidspositie, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools. This course will also prepare you in taking the AZ-500 exam.


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