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Hybride migratie van Microsoft Exchange naar Office 365

Hybride migratie van Microsoft Exchange naar Office 365

Prijs: $19.99

Microsoft introduced different methods for mailbox migration from Exchange servers on premises to Exchange online hosted in Office 365 Diensten. Navigating through the different migration methods and identifying the limitations and advantages of each method can be a complex and daunting task.

This course will give you a clear understanding of the differences among these migration methods. The course will focus, steps by step, on the Hybrid migration method, which is the most common method used by thousands of customers globally, for the migration from legacy exchange server on premises deployments to Exchange online.

The course will cover both the theoretical information and the hands-on labs for this migration step by step.

By the end of course, you will learn how to complete a full Exchange hybrid deployment and migrate all (or some) of your mailboxes to Exchange online.

You will learn as well how to configure on premises Exchange organization coexistence with Exchange online organization which provides best user’s experience.

Aan het einde van deze cursus, as an IT professional, you will have the required hands on skills to complete such project, and the knowledge to answer any questions related to Exchange migration to office 365; both of these would elevate your profile to higher paying jobs in the Microsoft Office 365 Ultieme AWS Certified Developer Associate.

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