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Microsoft PowerPoint-introductie

Microsoft PowerPoint-introductie

Prijs: $19.99

MODULE 1: Getting Started with PowerPoint

leerresultaten: Gain an understanding of basic features and tools within PowerPoint, required to start planning and creating slideshows.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Meeting Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

  • Creating a Presentation

  • Working with Your Presentation

  • Editing Your Presentation

  • Arranging Slides

  • Getting Help in PowerPoint

MODULE 2: Begrip & Customizing the PowerPoint Interface

leerresultaten: Familiarize yourself with groups of tools and customize the workspace to easily access your favorite commands.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Getting Acquainted

  • De werkbalk Snelle toegang

  • Tabs and Groups

  • Customizing the Ribbon

MODULE 3: Creating and Formatting Presentations

leerresultaten: Begin putting the elements of your presentation together, creating and formatting bullet points, text and objects.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Using Templates

  • Working with Text Boxes

  • Basic Editing Tools

  • Formatting Text: Effecten; Fonts and Spacing

  • Formatting Text: Uitlijning; Indenting and Lists

  • Advanced Text Tools

MODULE 4: Adding Shapes and Art to Your Presentation

leerresultaten: Use shapes and text boxes to develop diagrams and graphics. Format and customize the appearance of drawing objects.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Drawing Shapes

  • Working with Shapes

  • Working with Text and Shapes

  • Advanced Shape Tasks

MODULE 5: Viewing and Printing Your Presentation

leerresultaten: Understand different ways of viewing and running a presentation. Prepare the layout and print a PowerPoint file.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Using Layouts and Views

  • Viewing a Slide Show

  • Preparing Your Presentation

  • Printing Your Presentation

MODULE 6: Adding the Finishing Touches

leerresultaten: Finalize your presentation by proofing and adding interest with animation and transitions.

Behandelde onderwerpen:

  • Onderzoeksinstrumenten

  • Using Themes and Backgrounds

  • Creating Slide Transitions

  • Creating Basic Animations

  • Creating Advanced Animations


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