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Microsoft Word (2020) – De volledige Woordmastercursus!

Microsoft Word (2020) – De volledige Woordmastercursus!

Prijs: $79.99

I will teach u how to master Microsoft Word, so that u will know how to create ieder Word document while additionally increasing your own waarde as an employee!

I bet, at some point of your life you had to create a digital text document. Maybe this was a presentation paper, maybe this was a resume for your dream job, maybe this was a contract for your first car.
What if you had the skills to create all those documents professionally from scratch in no time? I’m gonna teach u these skills in my Microsoft Word Master Course, so that u will be able to use them on your next academic paper, application documents or each and every other document you have in mind. Na het volgen van deze cursus, you will know how to design professional documents in a short amount of time!
And to impress your next employer, you will also get access to a variety of premium resume designs which will help you to land your perfect job.

This course is very nice. He starts with pretty common basics. But you also can watch the first lectures, if you are an advanced user of word, because even there might be some tips you dont know yet. And its actually astonishingly easy to watch, as he is talking very clearly and in a appropriate pace.
I am not through the course completely, but i will watch it till the end, to learn all the advanced features i dont know yet.

Why choose me?

My name is Leon Renner, currently teaching over 8.000 students on Udemy and hundreds of thousands more on YouTube.

I believe that if YOU succeed, so do I. This is why over the last 7 jaar, I continuously created tutorials and lessons to get my students building their resumes, thesis, business plans and more as efficiently and quickly as possible.

I’d love you to join my community and start seeing all the wonderful benefits office skills can bring to your life, te.

And if you don’t like what you learn? I offer a 30-day money-back return!

Great course for getting started quickly in Word. Duidelijk, straight to the point instructions.

So join my Microsoft Word Master Course today and here’s what you’ll get

  • Learn about all text-related formatting and how to save your best design ideas in so calledStyles”.

  • Learn how to bring your document alive with objects like images, tafels, SmartArts, grafieken, pictogrammen, 3D-images and shapes.

  • Learn how to handle and structure long documents, like an academic thesis. Make your document your time saver by implementing intelligent Quick Parts and automatically created table of contents / figures and more.

  • Lessons that have been carefully scripted in advance, so that they are straight to the point and don’t waste your time withtalk-arounds”.

And you will get all of this for just one pocket-friendly payment of $199.

What have you got to loose?

Why take deze Cursus?

Every single video of the course is based on a script that I wrote down at the beginning and the video and the audio have been recorded separately. This ensures, that you only receive the necessary information without all the non-informative talking. The course is short but on the point! And the best part about it: You will find a lot of quizzes and challenges, that will help you improve your skills.
Trouwens: One benefit of a scripted course is, that all videos have manual captions. This ensures, that you understand everything I want you to know.

Zo, what are you waiting for? Start your journey to becoming a PRO!

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