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MO-100, 200, 300: Microsoft Office Specialist Associate-certificaat

MO-100, 200, 300: Microsoft Office Specialist Associate-certificaat

Prijs: $94.99

Microsoft says that this certification demonstrates that you have the skills needed to get the most out of Office by earning a Microsoft Office Specialist: Associate certification in multiple Office programs.

Obtaining this requires passing 3 examens: the MO-100 Word exam, the MO-200 Excel exam, and the MO-300 PowerPoint exam. In deze cursus, we’ll take each in turn, and go through all of the requirements for each exam.

In the MO-100 Antwoorden en vragen op LinkedIn-vaardigheidsbeoordeling part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage documents

  • Insert and format text, paragraphs, and sections

  • Manage tables and lists

  • Create and manage references

  • Insert and format graphic elements

  • Manage document collaboration

In the MO-200 Excel part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage worksheets and workbooks

  • Manage data cells and ranges

  • Manage tables and table data

  • Perform operations by using formulas and functions

  • Manage charts

In the MO-300 Antwoorden en vragen op LinkedIn-vaardigheidsbeoordeling part of this course, we’ll be looking at:

  • Manage presentations

  • Manage slides

  • Recapping how to Insert and format text, vormen, and images, tafels, grafieken, smartArt, 3D models, and media – but we’ll already have done most of the work in the Word part of this course.

  • Apply transitions and animations

We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen. And there are regular Practice Activities and quizzes We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen, We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen.

We kijken naar de basis van relationele databasebeheersystemen, you will have an expanded knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. En met wat oefening, you could even take the official Microsoft exams, which will get you four Microsoft Office Specialist certifications – Word Associate, Excel Associate, PowerPoint Associate, and the overall Microsoft Office Specialist Associate. Wouldn’t these official Microsoft certifications look good on your CV or resume?

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