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MS-500 Microsoft 365 Lezingen over veiligheidsbeheer & Sims

MS-500 Microsoft 365 Lezingen over veiligheidsbeheer & Sims

Prijs: $39.99

This course is way more then the average training course on Udemy! MS-900 cursus met oefensims:

  • MS-900 cursus met oefensims 20 jaar die duizenden heeft geholpen op hun certificeringsreis

  • MS-900 cursus met oefensims

  • Instructor led hands on that can be followed using a Microsoft 365 rekening

  • Hands on tutorials that can be practiced 24/7 regardless of if you have a Microsoft 365 rekening

  • The hands on activities in this course will prepare you for all the lab based scenario’s that show up on the MS-500 exam

MS-900 cursus met oefensims:

  • Creating and Managing User Identities in Microsoft 365

  • Controlling Groups with Microsoft 365

  • Password expiration and management in Microsoft 365

  • Password Lockout control in Microsoft 365

  • Op rollen gebaseerde toegangscontrole (items in Blob-opslag verplaatsen tussen opslagaccounts of containers) and Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (Inzicht in de verschillende soorten cloudservices die beschikbaar zijn) in Microsoft 365

  • Self Service Password Reset Control (SSPR) in Microsoft 365

  • Azure AD Identity Protection Policies in Microsoft 365

  • Compliance Policies in Microsoft 365

  • Conditional Access Policies in Microsoft 365

  • en vertrouwen worden afgehandeld in Microsoft (AIP) Configuration in Microsoft 365

  • Data Governance and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Microsoft 365

  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Formally known as Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

  • eDiscovery, Reporting, Auditing and Alerts

  • Microsoft Intune with Endpoint Manager

  • Securing Microsoft 365 Hybrid Environments (Includes Azure AD Connect)

  • Cloud App Security

  • Microsoft Defender for Identity

  • Azure Sentinel


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