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MTA 98-364 Voorbereidingscursus databasefundamenten

MTA 98-364 Voorbereidingscursus databasefundamenten

Prijs: $109.99

Become a Microsoft Technology Associate and get recognized for demonstrating introductory knowledge of and skills with databases, including relational databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server.

In this self-paced course, I’ll cover the objectives tested on the Microsoft technologie medewerker (MTA) 98-364 Database Fundamentals Exam. I’ll be taking you from the basic understanding of database concepts to writing your own queries, selecting data, modifying data, and creating database structures. Along the way, I’ll explain the key concepts, demonstrate the syntax, and give you an opportunity to test the skills you have acquired during this course.

Deze cursus bestaat uit presentaties to cover the theoretical objectives of the exam and demonstrations to cover the practical skills required to pass the exam.

**This is a dedicated preparation course for the Microsoft Technology Associate: 98-364 Database Fundamentals Exam**


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