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Netwerken met Windows Server 2016 (examen 70-741) MICROSOFT POWER BY DA-100-EXAMEN

Netwerken met Windows Server 2016 (examen 70-741) MICROSOFT POWER BY DA-100-EXAMEN

Prijs: $64.99

Pre-requisites: Experience working with Windows Server 2008 or Server 2012, Windows Server infrastructure enterprise environment. Knowledge of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Understanding of core networking infrastructure components and technologies such as cabling, routers, hubs, and switches. Familiarity with networking topologies and architectures such as local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs) and wireless networking. Some basic knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack, addressing and name resolution. Experience with and knowledge of Hyper-V and virtualization. Hands-on experience working with the Windows client operating systems such as Windows 8.1 of Windows 10

Omschrijving: This course focuses on networking features and functionality available in Windows Server 2016, such as DNS, DHCP, and IPAM implementations. We will review remote access solutions, such as VPN and Direct Access. Daarnaast, this course will look at DFS and BranchCache solutions, advanced network features and functionality, and understanding of software-defined networking.

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