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Neuroplasticiteit: Neurowetenschappelijke synthese om je hersenen opnieuw te bedraden

Neuroplasticiteit: Neurowetenschappelijke synthese om je hersenen opnieuw te bedraden

Prijs: $89.99

Neuroplasticity Is The Ability of the Brain to Reorganize, Change and Break Neuro-connective Tissues, Wired by Experience, Thoughts, Zelfpraat, And Knowledge. Neuroscience, is the Core Of Neuroplasticity. Based On Neuroscience, Researchers Developed The Idea Of Neuroplasticity.

A Scientific Breakthrough In Neuroscience Made It Possible For People To Wire Their Brain On A Conscious And Subconscious Level, Taking Control Of Their Habits, Their Negative Thoughts, Their Bad Experiences and Memories, And Turn Them Into Good Health Habits, Positive Thoughts And Optimism, Good Experiences & Structural Memories.

Neuroscience is one of the most interesting science branches that deals with the concept of Neuroplasticity

In deze cursus, You Will Learn How To Master Your Brain’s Plasticity, Take Control Of The Wiring Process Instead Of Falling Victim To The Subliminal Thoughts, Experiences, Emotions and Memories On A Daily Basis.

Wat betreft arkadmin

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