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ODOO 9-10-11 Administration and Technical Features

ODOO 9-10-11 Administration and Technical Features

Prijs: $49.99

This course is for ODOO Consultants, Beheerders, Developers and beginners who wants to start using ODOO or wants to provide services on ODOO

ODOO in an OpenSource ERP and covering all business verticals and solutions including web, content management and e-Commerce.

This course is around 4 hours and cover complete administration and technical features of ODOO.

ODOO Administration is the core of any implementation to configure approval hierarchy, Users and access rights, configuring company and language, setup your printing document size, header and footer details.

It will be useful for the consultant and beginner who are willing to use ODOO for their personal use or want to provide ODOO services.


Wat betreft arkadmin

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