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Python From Basic to Advanced with GUI Projects

Python From Basic to Advanced with GUI Projects

Prijs: $19.99

This Course exposes you to better tricks on how to be a professional programmer, you will learn from the basic level to building advanced applications with beautiful GUI. This is one of the most requested skill of 2020.

This course is well thought with all topics covered in detail with projects implemented in every section. This course will teach you python programming in a practical manner with quizzes, tests and assignment.

We will start by teaching you how to download python and getting it installed in your computer system.

In this course we will cover all the major topics required to be better than anyone out there, inclusief:

  • Installing Python

  • Variables and datatype

  • Lijsten

  • tupels

  • Woordenboek

  • List comprehension

  • De structuur van een voorraadorganisatie begrijpen

  • Built-in-Functions

  • Debugging Error

  • args/Kwargs

  • kaart, reduce and filter

  • File Manipulations

  • Classes and OOP

  • Constructor

  • Erfenis

  • Polymorfisme

  • Generating Executable Script

  • Tkinter GUI

  • Beste QA handmatige softwaretests

Who this Course is for:

  • Beginners who really want to be good in programming.

  • Programmers who want to learn python to enable them become qualified for their dream Job.

  • Technology Enthusiast who want to be part of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Revolution


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