Hoe u zich thuis kunt voorbereiden op uw IELTS-examen


Het IELTS-examen is een van de meest erkende taalvaardigheidstoetsen Engels ter wereld.

Als je slaagt voor dit examen, kom je dichter bij het studeren 140 verschillende landen, en bereid je voor op de allerbelangrijkste alledaagse gesprekken in een Engelssprekend land.

IELTS measures your writing, luisteren, reading and speaking skills in the English Language.

The exam also evaluates your communication skills needed for study and work in an English-speaking country.

The qualification is accepted by over 10,000 Government departments, werkgevers, immigration authorities and other professional bodies across the globe.

Preparing For Your IELTS Exam At Home

We give you some cool tips on how you can study at home for your IELTS exam as listed below;

1. Make a plan that will work for you

Before you even open your IELTS exam book, it is important that you plan your study schedule.

When preparing for a big test like this, time management is very important. It has been proven that anxiety and stress do not help you save information.

This is why creating a balanced curriculum that works for you is the first thing you should do. (And don’t forget to include breaks!)

It is important to adhere to this plan as much as possible during the entire training period.

Make sure that your curriculum includes all the elements of the test. Lezing, schrift, reading and speaking all require practice, so make sure you don’t leave any of them behind!

2. Don’t study 24/7

If you feel stressed, you may feel that you need to learn at every possible moment.

Echter, science shows that this may not be the best way to learn. It has been proven that distributing your training over time will help you save information better than if you did it all night before the exam.

Research also shows that spending all your time studying in one place can be draining. By alternating the room you are studying in, you can easily improve how well you are studying.

Break up your learning cycle with exercises! Research shows that just 20 minutes of cardio can improve your memory.

3. There is no such thing astoo prepared’

Anything you can do a few weeks before taking the IELTS exam will work in your favor.

Since you will have to pass the exam in a certain time, it will be useful if you learn to perform various exercises in a certain environment.

Familiarizing yourself with the test structure so you know what to expect will also save you time on exam day.

4. Surround yourself with English

Achieving a high score in IELTS is more than just reading textbooks.

Natuurlijk, this is important, but there are other things you can do at home that will help improve your understanding of English.

To listen to the test section, you will need to familiarize yourself with a range of English accents, including British, American, canadees, Australian, and new Zealand.

One way to expose yourself to these different accents is to watch TV or listen to the radio from different parts of the world.

The BBC (UK), ABC (Australië), CBC (Canada) and PBS (Verenigde Staten van Amerika) are a good place to start.

As part of the IELTS exam, you will need to work comfortably with long articles, so reading English news or articles that interest you can also help you strengthen your skills in this language.

You can have fun with this part of exam preparation. In between reading IELTS textbooks, it can be useful to watch English-language youtubers, listen to English-language podcasts, or watch some movies in English.

At the very beginning, this can help you start watching these movies with subtitles in your native language.

Spending time with native English speakers can really help your exam preparation.

If you have such an opportunity, we would encourage it very much! If you have a family member that you can call or chat with several times a week to practice your speaking skills in this language, it will help you a lot before the big day.

5. Oefening, Oefening, Oefening

Since you don’t know exactly what content you will be asked for on the IELTS exam, it is very important that you practice correctly so that you can prepare for each result.

Completing IELTS practice papers can help with this, but there are other ways to practice that you can have fun with!

One way to strengthen your English language skills is to practice General English writing. Creating a blog can be a good way to do this.

Writing about your day can be an easy way to practice forming sentences in English, and you can even get your friends to comment on your thoughts under each post. You can create a free blog on WordPress or Blogspot.

Other things you could do to practice are writing your social media posts in English or writing letters to your friends and family.

Multitasking is the key to the listening section of the exam. You should be able to listen by answering questions and taking notes.

This is why it would be useful to practice your multitasking skills before the exam.

You can practice this skill by listening to podcasts and taking notes on what’s going on, or by viewing news in English, summarizing the discussion while you watch.

In General, it is certainly possible to prepare for IELTS at home.

We have an online IELTS course in collaboration with Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English, as well as free IELTS practice and resources to help you pass this important stage.



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