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Raspberry Pi Projects: For School, College and hobbyist

Raspberry Pi Projects: For School, College and hobbyist

Prijs: $49.99

In deze cursus, I will help you to explore Framboos Pi 3 and other versions in detail. You will also get to learn how you can make the best projects like Google assistant, Google chrome-cast, security surveillance system and some hacking devices in no time.

The course requires basic knowledge of Linux commands and computer. Deze course is for everybody, no matter if you are a beginner of een pro. If you’re a beginner then I will walk you from the very scratch. deze cursus is de praktische versie ervan: Installing OS on Raspberry Pi, Connecting it to Laptop and so on.

If you’re a Pro of Raspberry Pi then you will come to know tons of new things in the projects section of this course. You’re going to learn a lot from the most updated/recent course on Udémy. Nothing is outdated here. Because this course has just released in 2019.

Below is the list of Projects that we are going to make in this course:

  1. Raspberry Pi Radio Station/TransmitterIt will help you to transmit your voice over Radio Frequency.

  2. Security Surveillance SystemIn case of movement in your room, It can send you email as well in real-time.

  3. Google Assistant

  4. SPY BoxIt is capable of spying on people in your local area

  5. Google Chrome-cast

  6. Network Ad BlockerIt will block in your whole network.

  7. Raspberry Pi WiFi RouterYou can make WiFi Router out of your Raspberry Pi.

  8. Pirate BoxIt is capable of monitoring your network activity, You can chat, share files and what not using this device.

  9. Mini Ethical Hacking PCIt is capable of hacking WiFi routers around you.

  10. DIY Music PlayerYou can even make a DIY Music player using your Raspberry Pi.

Zo, what are you waiting for. Just join the course and make the use of your Raspberry Pi like a PRO.

You can buy all the products used in this video from https://seeedstudio[punt]com/Boards-c-17.html


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