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Salesforce-gecertificeerd: Email Marketing

Salesforce-gecertificeerd: Email Marketing

Prijs: Vrij

Drie redenen om deze cursus nu te volgen!

  1. You want to pass the Salesforce Email Marketing Specialist Exam and want access to credible Salesforce documentation and videos that are concisely organized according to the Exam Study Guide topics. D.w.z. You’re looking for an easily digest-able format so that you can focus your efforts on learning efficiently to prepare for the exam.
  2. You want an inside view of the Marketing Cloud, Email Studio, Automation Studio and Journey Builder interface and platforms! D.w.z. Why guess on what things look like and how they flow? View a walk-through of the platform and have a visual learning experience to put you ahead of the game.
  3. Take a course designed by an instructor who has prepared her own study materials and passed the Salesforce Email Marketing Specialist exam in addition to having 2 other certifications in Admin and Platform Builder.

This course is structured according to the Salesforce Email Marketing Specialist Exam Study Guide (with an Introduction and Taking the Exam/Conclusion lectures):

  • Email Marketing Best Practices
  • Email Message Design
  • Content Creation and Delivery
  • Marketing Automation
  • Subscriber and Data Management
  • Tracking and Reporting

Why get certified?

According to an IDC Study on the Salesforce Economy, Salesforce is expected to create 3.3 million new jobs by 2022! That’s in less than 5 jaar – WAUW! Make sure you’re a part of it and have access to quality opportunities.


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