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SAP S/4HANA Portfolio en Project Management Praktijktest

SAP S/4HANA Portfolio en Project Management Praktijktest

Prijs: $19.99

SAP uitgebreid magazijnbeheer – SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Management test series | C_S4PPM_1909

De “SAP uitgebreid magazijnbeheer – SAP S/4HANA Portfolio and Project Managementcertification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP S/4HANA PPM Implementation Consultant profile. SAP uitgebreid magazijnbeheer. SAP uitgebreid magazijnbeheer.


  • To ensure success, SAP recommends combining education courses and hands-on experience to prepare for your certification exam as questions will test your ability to apply the knowledge you have gained in training.

  • You are not allowed to use any reference materials during the certification test (no access to online documentation or to any SAP system).

Topic Areas

Please see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.

Portfolio Definition > 12%

Project Definition > 12%

Financial and Capacity Planning > 12%

Integration and Shared Components > 12%

Project and Resource Planning 8% – 12%

Hulpbronnenbeheer 8% – 12%

Questionnaires Scoring and Analytics 8% – 12%


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