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SC-900 Microsoft security Fundamentals

SC-900 Microsoft security Fundamentals

Prijs: $79.99

If you want to ace the SC 900 Microsoft certification in your 1st attempt, then you zijn on the right page! This set of exhaustive practice tests will test you on questions asked in the actual certification and help you grasp the concepts snel

Why Microsoft Security, Nakoming, and Identity Fundamentals 900?

This certification is targeted to those looking to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of security, nakoming, en identiteit (SCI) across cloud-based and related Microsoft services.

This is a broad audience that may include business stakeholders, new or existing IT professionals, or students who have an interest in Microsoft security, nakoming, and identity solutions.

Topics covered in these practice exam (This a new course currently in beta phase)

  • Beschrijf de concepten van beveiliging, nakoming, en identiteit (5-10%)

  • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions (25-30%)

  • Beschrijf de mogelijkheden van Microsoft-beveiligingsoplossingen (30-35%)

  • Beschrijf de mogelijkheden van Microsoft-complianceoplossingen (25-30%)

Wat ga je leren?

  • Real exam simulation through 5 timed practice tests

  • Pass SC 900 in 1 attempt

Zijn er cursusvereisten of vereisten?

  • Candidates should be familiar with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 and want to understand how Microsoft security, nakoming, and identity solutions can span across these solution areas to provide a holistic and end-to-end solution.

Voor wie is deze cursus bedoeld?:

  • Any one (both technical and non-technical backgrounds) wanting to kickstart their journey in Cloud Security & nakoming

Wat je zult leren

  • This is a practice test which will help ace the SC 900 Fundamentals Certification

Voor wie is deze cursus bedoeld?:

  • Candidates aspiring to improve productivity by understanding Cloud Security & nakoming

Wat betreft arkadmin

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