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Zelfzorg voor professionals in het onderwijs en de geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Zelfzorg voor professionals in het onderwijs en de geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Prijs: $94.99

Education and counselling settings are changing. There is stress on many levels with increasing complex families and children, with fewer services, financial restraints, and extra administrative duties. Educators and counsellors often feel tension and pressure from many sources. When we care too much we tend to forget about our own needs. Stress behaviours and illness can surface when caregivers neglect their self-care practices. Apathy, isolatie, pushed down emotions, overeating, alcohol abuse, and family breakdown head a long list of symptoms associated with the workplace secondary toxic stress we now callCompassion Fatigue.

Do You Have Feelings of:

  • Physical and emotional exhaustion at work and home

  • Irritability and anger

  • Physical illnessyou catch every virus

  • Being constantly on high alert

  • Needing to using alcohol and drugs to cope

  • Poor job satisfaction

  • Inability to go to work

  • Reduced empathy and sympathy for struggling children and families

  • Inability to find time to nurture activities outside of work

Are you looking to make changes in your life and create a self-care reset that will take your health and wellness to a level that you have been dreaming about? Are you ready to set the stage for new self-care practices that go beyond the bubble bath?

Tijdens deze cursus, Lisa & Laurie Pinhorn of Laurie Pinhorn Holistic Counselling Services, Feeding Futures and Empowered Families will take a deeper look into Self-Care and why we need to look deeper into the power we have to take better care of ourselves.

During this Course, Je zult leren:

  • How stress impacts our physical and mental health

  • Self-care & compassion brain science

  • What is tension & the mind-body connection

  • How emotions are contagious

  • Why we need to plan and practice self-care

  • Why you need to nourish your nervous system

  • How to find space to give back to yourself

  • The power of positive thoughts

  • How calmness and resiliency are connected

  • How to confidently say ‘yes’ & ‘no

  • How to conduct a self-care inventory

  • Energy auditshow tired are you?

  • Holistic health & the pillars of self-care

  • The power of small changes

  • When doing less means doing more

This Course Is Designed For a Variety Of Professionals Working in Education Roles, zoals:

  • Elementary School Teachers

  • Jr. High Teachers

  • High School Teachers

  • School Social Worker

  • Teaching Assistants

  • ABA Workers

  • Group Home Staff

  • Guidance Counselors

  • Foster Families

  • Post Secondary Educators

  • Early Childhood Educators

  • Professional Development Leaders

  • Mental Health Counsellors

  • Case Managers

  • Child Youth & Family Services Social Workers

  • Justice Probation, Parole & Victim Services Professionals

  • Residential Staff

  • Homeless Shelter Counsellors and Support Staff

  • Respite Workers

  • Hospital Social Workers


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