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Een belangrijk stukje van deze puzzel ligt in de conclusie dat je geen dingen moet doen waar je je niet prettig bij voelt, having emotions is an inherent part of all human beings. Understanding one’s emotions and learning how to use them is the responsibility of each person. Vele keren, it may feel like the workplace is no place for emotions, goed of slecht. Maar de waarheid is, emotions must be utilized!
Bijvoorbeeld, if you are the manager and your team is about to miss an important deadline, it is up to you to stress how necessary it is for you to meet the deadline. The approach you take is determined by your natural tendencies as well as level of professionalism. One level-headed approach may be to call the team to a meeting and explain the ramifications of not meeting the deadline. This would also be a good time to listen to the team members to find out if there is something out of their control that is preventing them from doing their job.
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