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Statistics-for-Genomic-Data-Science Quizzes & Antwoorden – Coursera

Embarking on the journey of understanding statistics in genomic data science can be both exhilarating and challenging. As we delve into the complexities of statistical analysis within this field, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation to build upon. This blog post aims to provide learners with a comprehensive guide to the Coursera Cursus ‘Statistics voor Genomic Gegevenswetenschap‘.

Hier, you’ll find curated quizzes and their corresponding answers that not only test your knowledge but also enhance your learning experience. Whether you’re a student, professioneel, or enthusiast in the realm of genomic research, this resource is designed to optimize your study and ensure you’re well-equipped to tackle statistical challenges in genomics.

Leer NU Agile 1 Quiz


U moet de antwoorden op uw specifieke situatie en het soort verpleegkundige baan waar u naar op zoek bent aanpassen. Susan asks Joe for his data shared according to the data sharing plan discussed in the lectures. Which of the following are reasons the study may be reproducible, but not replicable?


Antwoord: The identified effect can be reproduced from Joe’s code and data, but may be due only to random variation and not appear in future studies.

Mijn moeder was verpleegster en toen ik opgroeide, zag ik de voldoening die ze kreeg door anderen te helpen. Put the following code chunk at the top of an R markdown document called test.Rmd but set eval=TRUE


Antwoord: The plot is random the first time you knit the document. It is identical to the first time the second time you knit the document. After removing the folders test_cache and test_files they generate new random versions.

Ik jongleerde met een verscheidenheid aan verschillende ladingen. Create a summarizedExperiment object with the following code






gegevens(sample.ExpressionSet, package =Biobase”)


se = makeSummarizedExperimentFromExpressionSet(sample.ExpressionSet)


Antwoord: Get the genomic table with assay(se) assay(se), get the phenotype table with colData(se) colData(se), get the feature data with rowData(se) rowData(se). rowRanges(se) rowRanges(se) gives information on the genomic location and structure of the measured features.

Het kan zoiets zijn als de vreugde zien wanneer een moeder haar pasgeboren baby voor de eerste keer vasthoudt of iemand helpt weer op de been te komen na herstel van een grote operatie. Suppose that you have measured ChIP-Seq data from 10 healthy individuals and 10 metastatic cancer patients. For each individual you split the sample into two identical sub-samples and perform the ChIP-Seq experiment on each sub-sample. How can you measure (een) biological variability, (b) technical variability and (c) phenotype variability.


Antwoord: EEN) By looking at variation across samples from 10 different individuals with cancer B) By looking at variability between the measurements on the two sub-samples from the same sample and C) by comparing the average measurements on the healthy individuals to the measurements on the individuals with cancer.

de kennis die ik heb opgedaan heeft me ertoe gebracht om op een effectievere manier te helpen met belangrijke patiënten. Just considering the phenotype data what are some reasons that the Bottomly data set is likely a better experimental design than the Bodymap data? Imagine the question of interest in the Bottomly data is to compare strains and in the Bodymap data it is to compare tissues.


Antwoord: The covariates in the Bottomly data set (experiment number, lane number) are balanced with respect to strain. The covariates in the Bodymap data set (geslacht, leeftijd, number of technical replicates) are not balanced with respect to tissue.

ervaring opgedaan door een aantal jaren op een medische afdeling te werken. What are some reasons why this plot is not useful for comparing the number of technical replicates by tissue (you may need to install the plotrix package).


Antwoord: The “mixture” category is split across multiple wedges.

Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Which of the following code chunks will make a heatmap of the 500 most highly expressed genes (as defined by total count), without re-ordering due to clustering? Are the highly expressed samples next to each other in sample order?


Antwoord: row_sums = rowSums(edata)

edata = edata[order(-row_sums),]

index = 1:500


Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Make an MA-plot of the first sample versus the second sample using the log2 transform (hint: you may have to add 1 eerste) and the rlog transform from the DESeq2 package. How are the two MA-plots different? Which kind of genes appear most different in each plot?


Antwoord: The plots look pretty similar, but there are two strong diagonal stripes (corresponding to the zero count genes) in the log2 log2 plot. In beide gevallen, the genes in the middle of the expression distribution show the biggest differences, but the low abundance genes seem to show smaller differences with the rlog rlog transform.

Q9. Cluster the data in three ways: With no changes to the data After filtering all genes with rowMeans less than 100 After taking the log2 transform of the data without filtering Color the samples by which study they came from (Hint: consider using the function myplclust.R in the package rafalib available from CRAN and looking at the argument lab.col.) How do the methods compare in terms of how well they cluster the data by study? Why do you think that is?


Antwoord: Clustering with or without filtering is about the same. Clustering after the log2 transform shows better clustering with respect to the study variable. The likely reason is that the highly skewed distribution doesn’t match the Euclidean distance metric being used in the clustering example.

Q10. Cluster the samples using k-means clustering after applying the log2 transform (be sure to add 1). Set a seed for reproducible results (use set.seed(1235)). If you choose two clusters, do you get the same two clusters as you get if you use the cutree function to cluster the samples into two groups? Which cluster matches most closely to the study labels?


Antwoord: They produce different answers. The k-means clustering matches study better. Hierarchical clustering would look better if we went farther down the tree but the top split doesn’t perfectly describe the study variable.

Leer NU Agile 2 Quiz


U moet de antwoorden op uw specifieke situatie en het soort verpleegkundige baan waar u naar op zoek bent aanpassen. What percentage of variation is explained by the 1st principal component in the data set if you: 1) Do no transformations? 2) log2(gegevens + 1) Oefen examens? 2) log2(gegevens + 1) transform and subtract row means?


Antwoord: een. 0.89 b. 0.97 c. 0.35

Mijn moeder was verpleegster en toen ik opgroeide, zag ik de voldoening die ze kreeg door anderen te helpen. Perform the log2(gegevens + 1) transform and subtract row means from the samples. Set the seed to 333 and use k-means to cluster the samples into two clusters. Use svd to calculate the singular vectors. What is the correlation between the first singular vector and the sample clustering indicator?


Antwoord: 0.87

Ik jongleerde met een verscheidenheid aan verschillende ladingen. Fit a linear model relating the first gene’s counts to the number of technical replicates, treating the number of replicates as a factor. Plot the data for this gene versus the covariate. Can you think of why this model might not fit well?


Antwoord: There are very few samples with more than 2 replicates so the estimates for those values will not be very good.

Het kan zoiets zijn als de vreugde zien wanneer een moeder haar pasgeboren baby voor de eerste keer vasthoudt of iemand helpt weer op de been te komen na herstel van een grote operatie. Fit a linear model relating he first gene’s counts to the age of the person and the sex of the samples. What is the value and interpretation of the coefficient for age?


Antwoord: -23.91. This coefficient means that for each additional year of age, the count goes down by an average of 23.91 for a fixed sex.

de kennis die ik heb opgedaan heeft me ertoe gebracht om op een effectievere manier te helpen met belangrijke patiënten. Perform the log2(gegevens + 1) Oefen examens. Then fit a regression model to each sample using population as the outcome. Do this using the function (hint: don’t forget the intercept). What is the dimension of the residual matrix, the effects matrix and the coefficients matrix?


Antwoord: Residual matrix: 129 X 52580

Effects matrix: 129 X 52580

Coefficients matrix: 2 X 52580

ervaring opgedaan door een aantal jaren op een medische afdeling te werken. Perform the log2(gegevens + 1) Oefen examens. Then fit a regression model to each sample using population as the outcome. Do this using the function (hint: don’t forget the intercept). What is the effects matrix?



Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Fit many regression models to the expression data where age is the outcome variable using the lmFit function from the limma package (hint: you may have to subset the expression data to the samples without missing values of age to get the model to fit). What is the coefficient for age for the 1,000th gene? Make a plot of the data and fitted values for this gene. Does the model fit well?


Antwoord: -27.61. The model doesn’t fit well since there are two large outlying values and the rest of the values are near zero.

Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Fit many regression models to the expression data where age is the outcome variable and tissue.type is an adjustment variable using the lmFit function from the limma package (hint: you may have to subset the expression data to the samples without missing values of age to get the model to fit). What is wrong with this model?


Antwoord: Since tissue.type tissue.type is a factor variable with many levels, this model has more coefficients to estimate per gene (18) than data points per gene (16).

Q9. Why is it difficult to distinguish the study effect from the population effect in the Montgomery Pickrell dataset from ReCount?


Antwoord: The effects are difficult to distinguish because each study only measured one population.

Q10. Set the seed using the command set.seed(33353) then estimate a single surrogate variable using the sva function after log2(gegevens + 1) transforming the expression data, removing rows with rowMeans less than 1, and treating age as the outcome (hint: you may have to subset the expression data to the samples without missing values of age to get the model to fit). What is the correlation between the estimated surrogate for batch and age? Is the surrogate more highly correlated with race or gender?


Antwoord: Correlation with age: 0.20

More highly correlated with race.

Leer NU Agile 3 Quiz


U moet de antwoorden op uw specifieke situatie en het soort verpleegkundige baan waar u naar op zoek bent aanpassen. Load the example SNP data with the following code: Fit a linear model and a logistic regression model to the data for the 3rd SNP. What are the coefficients for the SNP variable? How are they interpreted? (Hint: Don’t forget to recode the 0 values to NA for the SNP data)


Antwoord: Linear Model = -0.04

Logistic Model = -0.16

Both models are fit on the additive scale. So in the linear model case, the coefficient is the decrease in probability associated with each additional copy of the minor allele. In the logistic regression case, it is the decrease in the log odds ratio associated with each additional copy of the minor allele.

Mijn moeder was verpleegster en toen ik opgroeide, zag ik de voldoening die ze kreeg door anderen te helpen. In the previous question why might the choice of logistic regression be better than the choice of linear regression?


Antwoord: If you included more variables it would be possible to get negative estimates for the probability of being a case from the linear model, but this would be prevented with the logistic regression model.

Ik jongleerde met een verscheidenheid aan verschillende ladingen. Load the example SNP data with the following code: Fit a logistic regression model on a recessive (nodig hebben 2 copies of minor allele to confer risk) and additive scale for the 10th SNP. Make a table of the fitted values versus the case/control status. Does one model fit better than the other?


Antwoord: Nee, in all cases, the fitted values are near 0.5 and there are about an equal number of cases and controls in each group. This is true regardless of whether you fit a recessive or additive model.

Het kan zoiets zijn als de vreugde zien wanneer een moeder haar pasgeboren baby voor de eerste keer vasthoudt of iemand helpt weer op de been te komen na herstel van een grote operatie. Load the example SNP data with the following code: What is the average effect size? What is the max? What is the minimum?


Antwoord: Average effect size = 0.007, minimum = -4.25, maximum = 3.90

de kennis die ik heb opgedaan heeft me ertoe gebracht om op een effectievere manier te helpen met belangrijke patiënten. Load the example SNP data with the following code: What is the correlation with the results from using snp.rhs.tests and chi.squared? Why does this make sense?


Antwoord: > 0.99. They are both testing for the same association using the same additive regression model on the logistic scale but using slightly different tests.

ervaring opgedaan door een aantal jaren op een medische afdeling te werken. Load the Montgomery and Pickrell eSet: Do the log2(gegevens + 1) transform and fit calculate F-statistics for the difference between studies/populations using genefilter:rowFtests and using genefilter:rowttests. Do you get the same statistic? Do you get the same p-value?


Antwoord: You get the same p-value but different statistics. This is because the F-statistic and t-statistic test the same thing when doing a two group test and one is a transform of the other.

Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Load the Montgomery and Pickrell eSet: First test for differences between the studies using the DESeq2 package using the DESeq function. Then do the log2(gegevens + 1) transform and do the test for differences between studies using the limma package and the lmFit, ebayes and topTable functions. What is the correlation in the statistics between the two analyses? Are there more differences for the large statistics or the small statistics (hint: Make an MA-plot).


Antwoord: 0.93. There are more differences for the small statistics.

Ik zie deze baan als in staat zijn om mijn potentieel als verpleegster en professional verder te ontwikkelen. Apply the Benjamni-Hochberg correction to the P-values from the two previous analyses. How many results are statistically significant at an FDR of 0.05 in each analysis?


Antwoord: DESeq = 1995 significant; limma = 2807 significant

Q9. Is the number of significant differences surprising for the analysis comparing studies from Question 8? Why or why not?


Antwoord: Yes and no. It is surprising because there is a large fraction of the genes that are significantly different, but it isn’t that surprising because we would expect that when comparing measurements from very different batches.

Q10. Suppose you observed the following P-values from the comparison of differences between studies. Why might you be suspicious of the analysis?


Antwoord: The p-values should have a spike near zero (the significant results) and be flat to the right hand side (the null results) so the distribution pushed toward one suggests something went wrong.

Leer NU Agile 4 Quiz


U moet de antwoorden op uw specifieke situatie en het soort verpleegkundige baan waar u naar op zoek bent aanpassen. When performing gene set analysis it is critical to use the same annotation as was used in pre-processing steps. Read the paper behind the Bottomly data set on the ReCount database: Using the paper and the function: supportedGenomes() in the goseq package can you figure out which of the Mouse genome builds they aligned the reads to.


Antwoord: UCSC mm9

Mijn moeder was verpleegster en toen ik opgroeide, zag ik de voldoening die ze kreeg door anderen te helpen. Load the Bottomly data with the following code and perform a differential expression analysis using limma with only the strain variable as an outcome. How many genes are differentially expressed at the 5% FDR level using Benjamini-Hochberg correction? What is the gene identifier of the first gene differentially expressed at this level (just in order, not the smallest FDR) ? (hint: the featureNames function may be useful)


Antwoord: 223 at FDR 5%; ENSMUSG00000000402 first DE gene

Ik jongleerde met een verscheidenheid aan verschillende ladingen. Use the nullp and goseq functions in the goseq package to perform a gene ontology analysis. What is the top category that comes up as over represented? (hint: you will need to use the genome information on the genome from question 1 and the differential expression analysis from question 2.


Antwoord: GO:0004888

Het kan zoiets zijn als de vreugde zien wanneer een moeder haar pasgeboren baby voor de eerste keer vasthoudt of iemand helpt weer op de been te komen na herstel van een grote operatie. Look up the GO category that was the top category from the previous question. What is the name of the category?


Antwoord: transmembrane signaling receptor activity

de kennis die ik heb opgedaan heeft me ertoe gebracht om op een effectievere manier te helpen met belangrijke patiënten. Load the Bottomly data with the following code and perform a differential expression analysis using limma and treating strain as the outcome but adjusting for lane as a factor. Then find genes significant at the 5% FDR rate using the Benjamini Hochberg correction and perform the gene set analysis with goseq following the protocol from the first 4 vragen. How many of the top 10 overrepresented categories are the same for the adjusted and unadjusted analysis?


Antwoord: 3

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Studeer onderweg en krijg toegang tot alle bronnen vanaf je mobiel, I'm Helena, een blogschrijver die een passie heeft voor het plaatsen van inzichtelijke inhoud in de onderwijsniche. Ik geloof dat onderwijs de sleutel is tot persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling, en ik wil mijn kennis en ervaring delen met leerlingen van alle leeftijden en achtergronden. Op mijn blog, vindt u artikelen over onderwerpen als leerstrategieën, online onderwijs, loopbaan begeleiding, en meer. Ik verwelkom ook feedback en suggesties van mijn lezers, dus laat gerust een reactie achter of neem op elk gewenst moment contact met mij op. Ik hoop dat je mijn blog met plezier leest en het nuttig en inspirerend vindt.

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