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Success Factors for 2021: success for Careers & Bedrijf

Success Factors for 2021: success for Careers & Bedrijf

Prijs: $79.99

The world has become highly disrupted with Covid. The opportunities for both careers and business have shrunk drastically and we can expect the next year to be very challenging. In this scenario, identifying success factors in various sectors of businesses to ensure that you succeed is critical. This is done through 2 onderdelen:

1. A full knowledge section with interesting videos that show how the world was and how it has changed through covid, and how business was and how it has changed through covid. This will help in identifying the various areas to look for a stronger and safer career in.

2. A few self help sections to ensure that you succeed. This includes a similarity index to compare you with your peers worldwide, and self help sections for career difficulties and ensure better career efficiencies.

This course is critical if you want to get that extra advantage in 2021. We hope you enjoy it

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