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Telling Stories is Attractive & The  Way To Sales Success!

Telling Stories is Attractive & The Way To Sales Success!

Prijs: $19.99

Let me do what i always do in a WiT= What it Takes course; challenge you! here is my challenge statementStorytelling is the only effective means of communication. I mean that, if you want to effect people in a way that they take actions, significant actionit happens when people hear the seven powerful wordsPlease, let me tell you a story.

In this short but powerful course you will learn why storytelling works. You will learn why you must have a story to tell to the world. You will become one of the smart ones who often says, “Tell me, what’s your story.

You will learn the ways to begin to become a great storyteller. Indeed you will become more interesting, more connected, en possibly indeed, more attractive. You will finally start enjoying many things that you tended to avoid as you see the power of storytelling taking hold in your life and work. You will have the confidence to speak up, stand out, and make your marek.


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