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The Agile Certified Practitioner Training Program (PMI-ACP)

The Agile Certified Practitioner Training Program (PMI-ACP)

Prijs: $24.99

**Course UPDATED for the March 2018 Exam Changes** This Course includes the content modified by PMI in 2018!

This course is a 6 part series learning path that covers the objectives for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® exam.

Agile projects use of short work iterations and incremental development of products that focus on business priorities and customer value.

In deze cursus, you’ll learn fundamental Agile concepts, including the eight Agile values and twelve Agile principles.

This course also covers the five phases of the Agile project management model, and introduces you to the most common Agile methodologies and frameworks.

Tenslotte, this course introduces key activities for managing an Agile project, including creating a product vision and project charter, and best contract and documentation types.


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