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The Art and Science of Reading Comprehension:

The Art and Science of Reading Comprehension:

Prijs: Vrij

In this free course, you’re given four keys that will unlock the latent brain-power residing within you.

So much of our lives depend upon reading.

The reason this is so is that reading facilities and amplifies the transmission of knowledgeand it is by means of knowledge that humans not only survive but prosper and flourish. Op deze manier, knowledge is the fundamental thing you moeten possess in order to get the things you want from your life.

This course will teach you the vital importance of reading; it will also provide you with the information you need to develop faster and more efficient reading skills while, tegelijkertijd, cultivating deeper levels of comprehension.

Dit is niet, echter, a speed-reading course, nor a memory course. It’s a series of bite-sized lectures, based upon real-life seminars I’ve given to students (all ages and all skill-levels) so that they might streamline their reading — meteen.

Fun, interactive, and inspiring!”

I give you my word not to bore you or waste your time.

Wat je zult leren

  • The complex nature of reading, which most people take completely for granted.

  • How to become a more active reader.

  • The four levels of reading and how to raise your level.

  • The four keys to better reading.

Zijn er cursusvereisten of vereisten?

  • Basic reading knowledge.

  • The willingness to have fun and challenge yourself.

Voor wie is deze cursus bedoeld?:

  • Anyone who desires hyper-acute reading comprehension, with amplified retention.


Wat betreft arkadmin

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