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The Complete Windows 10 Computer Course. Beginner and Beyond

The Complete Windows 10 Computer Course. Beginner and Beyond

Prijs: $19.99

Wat te verwachten…

ramen 10 is now being used by more than one billion computer users worldwide, but most user’s don’t know how to get the most out of this most powerful of operating systems, never mind how to carry out basic maintenance to keep everything responsive and running silky smooth!

Zo, in deze “ramen 10 computer course, I plan on taking you on a journey and introducing you to some pretty cool areas of Windows 10, that once known, will set you apart from the rest of the pack! At it’s core, this course will take you through some basic and advanced “plc volledige cursus” tutorials on computer maintenance to help improve the speed of your computer; and also, how to carry out preventative maintenance to stop it happening again! But there is no need for screw drivers and other tools; Your two main tools for the course will be the keyboard and the mouse! You’ll also be introduced to areas of Windows 10 that will undoubtedly improve you user experience, helping you with navigation and task management.

Over het algemeen…

I was inspired to create this course after I bore witness to many computer users living with less than desirable computer performance, and it was only with my intervention that they were able to start using their computer (Some of them very expensive) with the performance it was designed to deliver; and afterwards, they would sometimes look at me as if I had just painted a masterpiece in front of there very eyes!

Wat leer je in deze cursus:

  • Be able to carry out maintenance to optimize a computers true processing power.

  • Manage programmes and applications more effectively and efficiently.

  • Discover new skills that will set you apart from other Windows 10 gebruikers.

  • Become more confident with general and advanced computer use.

  • En veel meer…

What you need to know for enrollment:

If you are reading this description on a computer that has Windows 10 or you have one or more, then you are already overly qualified! You will be able to start carrying out the exercises and procedures that I show you in this course straight away! If there is a requirement to leave your computer switched on and plugged in, while it carries out a task, I will let you know at the beginning of the tutorial, so you’ll be able to manage your time while doing this course.

You will be able to take the skills taught in this “ramen 10 computer course, and apply them to all aspects of yourdigital life”; Whether it be to improve your skill set for current or future employment, adding to your skills set as a self employed person, or just maintaining your own, or someone else’s, computer while learning some awesome Windows 10 skills along the way!

A little more information

All steps in this course are simplified to the bare bones to suit ALL types of enrolling students

This course can save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars! Never have to hire a professional again to sort outsilly little issueson your computer for you! Ook, save money by not having to buy a new computer to replace a perfectly good one. More money for that nice holiday!

This course can provide you with the necessary Microsoft training to quite possibly help you move into a field of Information Computer Technology and even writing code.

I hope you find what you are looking for in my course,

Kind regards

Warrick Klimaytys

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