The Empathy Principle – Emotionele intelligentie – EIQ-2
Prijs: $94.99
Empathy is required for any type of success in personal and family relationships, en zaken.
Most people think they know what empathy is, but they misunderstand what it really is and how it impacts those around them.
No one knows exactly how another person feels.
By relating to the feelings of others, you are able to connect at a deeper level and really know them. Care and consideration are key skills that have their basis in Empathy.
In this highly impactful course, jij zult ontdekken:
The Benefits of
Understanding your perspective
Types of empathy
Empathy advantage
Empathy Mix
Empathetic Listening
Being Authentic
Being Sensitive, Appreciative and Considerate
The topics covered include:
Sharing a Constructive Personality
Empathie & Invloed
The empathy advantage
Empathie, resonance, and rapport
Communicating with empathy
Dealing with Difficult people, emoties & situaties
Leading & Influencing with empathy
Improving your skills and relationships
En veel meer
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