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Understanding Microsoft Azure SQL – PAAS

Understanding Microsoft Azure SQL – PAAS

Prijs: $29.99

In deze cursus, students will get an understanding of various features available in Azure SQL . There are theory sessions followed by practical ones. There will be live demonstrations as we progress through the class. There are numerous new features that Azure SQL as on today. You will learn various aspects like database redundancy , security in Azure SQL, geographic replication, metrics and monitoring options , taking snapshots and backups. You will also learn to audit the SQL DB and store the data in storage account for future investigations.

Azure offers a choice of fully managed relational, NoSQL, and in-memory databases, spanning proprietary and open-source engines, to fit the needs of modern app developers. Infrastructure management—including scalability, availability, and security—is automated, saving you time and money. Focus on building applications while Azure managed databases make your job simpler by surfacing performance insights through embedded intelligence, scaling without limits, and managing security threats.

You will see more content in near future . This will include managing SQL with Powershell and Azure CLI

As cloud is a moving target , I am sure there will be new features offered by Microsoft . I will keep this course updated to ensure that you get the latest and greatest stuff in this course at all times.

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