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University of Greenwich International Scholarship Award 2024/2025

The University of Greenwich is delighted to offer the International Scholarship Award, providing international students with a substantial tuition fee reduction of up to £3,000 during their first year of study. This scholarship aims to support and incentivize international students, making it more accessible and financially feasible for them to begin their academic journey at the University of Greenwich.

Scholarship Terms

To be eligible for the University of Greenwich International Scholarship Award, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Course Offer: Applicants must have received an offer to enrol in a full-time undergraduate or taught postgraduate program for the upcoming January or April intakes at the University of Greenwich.
  • International Fee Status: Applicants must be categorized as international fee-paying students for their tuition fees.
  • Payment Structure: The scholarship provides a tuition fee reduction exclusively for the first year of studies. Subsequent academic years will require full tuition fee payment.
  • Non-Retroactive: The scholarship cannot be applied retroactively; it is only applicable for new students.
  • Deposit Payment: Scholarship recipients must pay their tuition fee deposit or accept their offer (if sponsored) binnen 28 days of receiving the scholarship award confirmation.
  • No Other Awards: Applicants should not be recipients of any other awards, bursaries, or scholarships, with the exception of the separate alumni scholarship offered to Greenwich alumni.
  • Participation in University Activities: Scholarship recipients may be requested to participate in university promotional activities, including interviews and attending university events.
  • Single Application: Each applicant can apply for this scholarship only once.
  • Final Decision: The decision of the scholarship panel is considered final.

Diplomaniveau en beschikbare onderwerpen

The University of Greenwich International Scholarship Award 2024/2025 is available for undergraduate and postgraduate level programs in all subjects.


International students who have been offered admission to the University of Greenwich may be eligible for a tuition fee reduction of up to £3,000 during their first year of study.

Eligible Nationalities

This scholarship award is open to international students of all nationalities, except EU nationals residing within the EU, who are not qualified for this particular scholarship. Echter, they may be eligible for the University’s EU bursary. Students progressing from the University of Greenwich International College (UGIC) to the university segment of their course will also be taken into consideration.


To be eligible for this opportunity, moeten de aanvragers:

  • Have received an offer to commence their course in either January 2024 or April 2024.
  • Have their tuition fees assessed at the international rate.
  • Not currently benefit from any other scholarships provided by the University or any other funding sources.

Application Procedure

Interested applicants must apply for the award by filling out the University of Greenwich International Scholarship Award Application Form. The availability of these programs may change throughout the academic year due to fluctuations in demand for courses. bijgevolg, the International Recruitment team reserves the right to withdraw programs from consideration for this award with short notice. By meeting these criteria and following the application process, international students can access valuable financial support for their education at the University of Greenwich. This scholarship award is a testament to the university’s commitment to supporting and empowering international students to achieve their academic goals in the UK.

Wat betreft Helen Bassey

Studeer onderweg en krijg toegang tot alle bronnen vanaf je mobiel, I'm Helena, een blogschrijver die een passie heeft voor het plaatsen van inzichtelijke inhoud in de onderwijsniche. Ik geloof dat onderwijs de sleutel is tot persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling, en ik wil mijn kennis en ervaring delen met leerlingen van alle leeftijden en achtergronden. Op mijn blog, vindt u artikelen over onderwerpen als leerstrategieën, online onderwijs, loopbaan begeleiding, en meer. Ik verwelkom ook feedback en suggesties van mijn lezers, dus laat gerust een reactie achter of neem op elk gewenst moment contact met mij op. Ik hoop dat je mijn blog met plezier leest en het nuttig en inspirerend vindt.

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